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Happy Family

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Dive into the science behind Emotional Connection


Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the universal Welch Emotional Connection Screen using primary and bilingual Spanish-speaking coders of videotaped mother-child interactions

Fantastic voyage: Chasing oxytocin from the bedside to the bench and back again

Preschool-based mother-child emotional preparation program improves emotional connection, behavior regulation in the home and classroom: a randomized controlled trial


Qualitative insights from a randomized clinical trial of a mother-child emotional preparation program for preschool-aged children

Assessment of Neurodevelopment in Infants With and Without Exposure to Asymptomatic or Mild Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection During Pregnancy

Pandemic beyond the virus: maternal COVID-related postnatal stress is associated with infant temperament



Facilitating early parent-infant emotional connection improves cortical networks in preterm infants

A Novel Method for ECG Artifact Removal from EEG without Simultaneous ECG

Wired to Connect: The Autonomic Socioemotional Reflex Arc

Family nurture intervention increases term age forebrain EEG activity: A multicenter replication trial

Association of Birth During the COVID-19 Pandemic With Neurodevelopmental Status at 6 Months in Infants With and Without In Utero Exposure to Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Effects of Family Nurture Intervention in the NICU on Theory of Mind Abilities in Children Born Very Preterm: A Randomized Controlled Trial



Preterm infant heart rate is lowered after Family Nurture Intervention in the NICU: Evidence in support of autonomic conditioning

The Welch Emotional Connection Screen (WECS) training in Pediatric Residency



How babies learn-The autonomic socioemotional reflex

A review of newborn outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic

FNI-NICU increases autonomic regulation in mothers and children at 4-5 years of age- Follow-up results from an RCT

The practical utility of the Welch Emotional Connection Screen for rating parent-infant relational health

Family nurture intervention alters relationships between preterm infant EEG delta brush characteristics and term age EEG power

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